Gentleman giving woman flowers

Do you want to know why flowers make us happy? Why do they make you happy? I love flowers and they make me happy! Why do they make me happy? Maybe because they are gorgeous, colorful, fragrant and fleeting. I say fleeting because it gives me a sense of revolving life. Things do not last forever, but that does not mean it ends. We can still enjoy the moment.

Close up of a bright bouquet of flowers.
Fresh Cut flowers ready for the Farmers Market

why flowers are important in our life

Flowers are important in our life for many reasons. People give flowers to connect with an emotion. Flowers have an immediate impact on us and they have a positive effect on our moods. They uplift us. Studies have shown that receiving flowers or giving flowers triggers our brain to release the chemical serotonin. Serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood, gives us feelings of well-being, and happiness. Flowers are also known to stimulate other chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter— it is a chemical that brings information between neurons. The brain releases it when we eat food that we love or when we receive flowers, contributing to the feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Oxytocin is linked to warm, fuzzy feelings and shown in some research to lower stress and anxiety. Oxytocin has the power to regulate our emotional responses including trust, empathy and positive memories.

Jeannette Haviland Jones PhD, professor of phycology has studied the effect of flowers on people. Here is a great article on what she has studied.

Fresh flowers in the shape of a flowers

why flowers are important in nature

There are so many reasons why flowers are important in nature. I am going to just follow up on a few points. Flowers feed our birds and bees. Bees for example rely on flowers for pollen and nectar. Flowers rely on bees to reproduce. The bees do this by moving pollen from the female plants to the male plants. This produces seeds, which then produce the next flowers. This process is called pollination. Hummingbirds eat the nectar from the flowers.

Every region has native flowers and plants. Native plants and flowers are those that occur naturally in a region in which they evolved. They are the basic eco system which life depends, including birds and people. Without them and the insects that co-evolved with them and local birds and insects cannot survive.

When choosing plants and flowers for your landscape, make sure you plant some native plants.

What is your favorite flower? I love tulips. I think they are one of my favorite because they are one of the first flowers to bloom in my yard. Tulips also have a long vase life. What is vase life? It really is just what is sounds like. It is how long a fresh cut flower will last in a vase. The longer the vase life…well the better.

Fresh flowers in a vintage vase
Fresh flowers from my field!


The conclusion is simple. Flowers are amazing. They make us smile, most of them smell good and they are readily available. Go buy some for yourself or for someone you love.

Do you love DIY? Here is a dried flower wreath that will make you smile.

Here is a tutorial on how to press flowers. Maybe you will want to do this with the flowers you buy.

Let me know how you bought flowers for in the comment box. I would love to hear from you.