Here we are, planting sweet peas in week 15. Its April guys.. did you know that? Crazy. We are supposed to be getting some snow soon…. go away, go away! planting sweet pea seeds This is just a simple fence for the sweet peas to scramble up. I can almost smell them already. If you want a flower with a fabulous scent,,,sweet peas are the one. They are not the best cut flower but I love them anyway. The vase life is really short but they do press really well. When planting sweet peas you can direct seed them about a month before your last frost or start them inside. I did both and am anxious to see which ones will do better.

Dahlia Check

Dahlia sprouting When checking on my Dahlia tubers the other day and was pleasantly surprised. They looked really good and the eyes are sprouting. Dahlias are so beautiful, but they require a lot of work.  I am not sure if I am going to be selling them this year in my bouquets but I will sure enjoy their blooms. Here is a video on planting dahlias. I am a big fan of The impatient gardener, she freely shares her garden knowledge.

Seedling check

growing seedlings My seedling in the basement are looking really good. This week coming up I will be planting out the ranunculus. Ranunculus don’t mind a few light frosts. They will be under a plastic tunnel so they will have some protection.  Seed starting is a fun and therapeutic thing to do. Thinning seedlings is an important job. You only want 1 seedling per cell. I used to try and save the seedlings and replant but I don’t anymore……boo hoo. I will fill an empty cell if I need to but other wise, I take a deep breath and toss.   I hope you are all staying well. See you next week.