This week is all about growing cut flowers education. Continuing education that is. I have learned so much and still have so much to learn. It is week 6 of this year already.

flower books

I am brushing up on all the flower varieties that I am going to grow this year. Do they need light to germinate? Post harvest care. Vase life.etc. There is so much to know. The amazing thing is that some of this knowledge actually sticks.  I am hitting my collection of flower books…want to join? My latest purchase is this book from floret. I am looking forward to reading it. I have Erin’s first book ” Cut Flower Garden”. It is a great reference for me.

The other task I finally finished was processing all my seeds that I saved.

Nigella seed head
Saving flower seeds from Cosmos. Cosmos seed head.
Cosmos seed head.

How to save seeds to grow next year.

  1. when your flowers are in bloom. Find one that is really exceptional. Mark the bloom with a piece of yarn or tape.
  2. Let the flower bloom and die back. Do not dead head it. It needs time to make the seeds.
  3. When the plant looks dead and you can see the seeds. Carefully cut the plant stem and bring it in to a dry location. Let dry for approx 2 weeks.
  4. Pull apart the seed head and put the seeds into a pile. Throw away and casings and foliage. You can store your seeds in a zip lock bag or envelope.
  5. Label your seeds with the variety and year grown.
  6. Place seeds in a cool dark place. Some like to store in the fridge. I usually just keep them in a container in the garage.
  7. Next season sow as you did the previous year.

We are looking forward to spring around here. Here is a little post about loving your spring garden. Soon…I plan to update some of my older posts so stay tuned….

Are you planning a garden? Vegetable garden? Flower garden or both?

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