Things were busy around here this week, banana bread and photography. Skilled at one and learning the other.

dog with bucket of flowers

twin cities flower exchange

Lacy was a big help with the harvest for the Twin Cities Flower exchange.

Wagon full of foliage

A wagon full of goodness for the Twin Cities Flower Exchange. The Twin Cities Flower Exchange is a local flower wholesaler in St. Paul Minnesota. Christine focuses on chemical free, locally grown flowers and foliage. This is the fifth year that the Twin Cities Flower Exchange has been open and I am very grateful to be a part of this.

overview shot of a flower field

Overhead shot of the growing field. It was hard to get going this year. The weather was so uncooperative! The plant babies were stressed. We are overcoming this….lots of watering!

lavender hanging upside down

The lavender was fabulous this year. My two small plants have overwintered well!

daisy flatlay

Flatlay photography…who would have thought that it is my favorite?

banana bread

mini banana bread loaves

Banana bread or muffins anyone? Here is the recipe. It will be the only recipe you ever use.

This rice crispy recipe will be a hit with your family and friends, along with this amazing blueberry pie.

parting wisdom

Some parting wisdom for you today.

“I didn’t know how, but I tried.”

All you have to do is try.

Quote. I didn't know how..but I tried.