3 Easy Houseplants To Grow

3 easy houseplants to grow. Aleo vera plant. Snake plant and spider plant. Easy to take care of and super easy to grow.

3 easy houseplants to grow at home.

Houseplants are a big trend right now. Not only do the plants brighten up a space, they also give off oxygen and filter the air around the plant. Spruce up any room with these three easy houseplant to grow.

Spider Plant

Three easy houseplants to grow. Aleo vera plant. Snake plant and spider plant. Easy to take care of and super easy to grow

1. Spider Plant

The spider plant is one of the easiest, most common houseplants to grow. The plant gives off oxygen and filters the air around the plant, leaving the space feeling clean.


1. plant with a soil that drains well

2. water every two weeks

3. set in partial sunlight


Why are my spider plant leaves turning brown or yellow?

A. If your plant leaves are turning yellow it is getting too much sunlight. To fix this, move your plant to a spot that gets sunlight only half the day. If your plant leaves are turning brown, it means your plant is not getting enough moisture.

Why is my spider plant turning droopy?

A. You are over watering. The soil should be damp in the summer but not soggy and in the winter let the soil completely dry out before lightly watering.

Snake Plant

Three easy houseplants to grow. Aleo vera plant. Snake plant and spider plant. Easy to take care of and super easy to grow

2. Snake Plant (aka the bedroom plant)

The snake plant is also another common and easy house plant to grow. The plant also purifies the air around the plant. The vibrate looking leaves draw ones eye to that area of the room, often leaving you with a refreshing feeling.


1. water when soil feels dry

2. place in indirect sunlight

3. Plant in soil that drains well


Do snake plants clean the air?

A. The snake plant doesn’t necessarily clean the air, but it gives of oxygen at night and filters the air surrounding the plant.

Why are my snake plant leaves turning yellow?

A. Your plant needs watered more often, or your plant is getting to much sun.

Aloe Vera Plant

Three easy houseplants to grow. Aleo vera plant. Snake plant and spider plant. Easy to take care of and super easy to grow

3. Aloe Vera Plant

The aloe Vera Plant is one of my favorite houseplants. Despite being easy to grow, an aloe Vera plant is beautiful! A fun fact about aleo vera is that you can use the juice from inside the aleo vera plant for many things. Good housekeeping has a fun article on this.


1. place in direct sunlight

2. water lightly every 2-4 weeks

3. Use soil sustainable for cactus and



Why are my aloe vera leaves squishy and droopy?

A. When you over water an aloe Plant the leaves start to droop and eventually become soggy and rot. Aloe Vera plants only need watered once or twice a month!

Why are my aloe Vera leaves turning red?

A. When an aloe Vera leaf turns red it means your plant got sunburn. Aloe plants need direct sunlight but they do not like to get too hot. I would move your plant to a spot that has sun most of the day but cools off in the evening.

Now that you know of three easy houseplants and how to take care of them, it’s time to figure out how to place the plant in your home. Check out our recent post on how to update your home with plants. Find it here.

Houseplants are easy to find. Most grocery stores and big box stores will have common houseplants.  Home Depot has a nice variety of houseplants to pick from.

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