So here we are 10 trends for 2021. My predictions for floral and home decor. What will we be seeing in 2021? We will revisit this post at the end of the year and grade my performance. So without further a do …..10 trends for 2021!

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Trends for 2021

photo sources: pinterest

Dried Flowers

Yes! Dried flowers will still be on trend for 2021. A few years ago they showed up online and in stores in a big way. Dried flowers are unique and long lasting. For those who can’t handle the pollen of fresh flowers, dried flowers are a great alternative. Something about dried flowers brings out a nostalgic and calm feeling.

Close up of dried bunny tail grass
Peg Rail

Peg rail! What a classic. Even though it has been around forever….thanks shakers…it is so awesome.

Illuminating accents

Following Pantones color of the year…I do think we will be seeing a pop of yellow accents thrown into home decor. Yellow is the color that captures our attention more than any other color. Yellow represents, happiness, creativity and sunshine. I think you will see pops of yellow thrown in here and there. I don’t see whole rooms painted yellow, but more smaller accents pieces such as a small cabinet, door, a chair or a vase.

Bright yellow door that is open.

Blue accents

Dark blue accents….I love dark blue. Navy and dark blue represent power, importance, standing strong and stablility….I just painted wall in my kitchen dark blue. The color is beautiful. Check out a few of my favorite picks.

Linen accessories

Ahhh Linen. What a dream. Linen sheets, linen bags, linen shirts….give it all to me.

Scandinavian decor

The clean lines of Scandinavian decor has been a hit for a long time. I am predicting that we will see more of the Swedish traditional decor popping through. Using texture and soft lines to add coziness to a room. Here are a few rooms that I love. The blog Battina Holst has amazing photos.

Cool blue Scandinavian table.
This is an amazing site Photo source Velvet and Linen

Rosemaling and tole

Following the Scandinavian deocr, I see rosemaling especially on dark backgrounds being adding for pops of color to a room. I am also being drawn to tole painting. Especially on decorative trays.

Pressed botanicals

Pressed botanicals have been around for ages. However, I feel that they are just starting to be noticed by the younger generations. Pressed flowers and botanicals make amazing artwork.

Taper Candles

I havn’t thought of a taper candle in a very long time. Suddenly my eye is being drawn to the ones with bold lines and color. Wow, there is some beautiful tapers out there.

Unique quilts

Unique quilts? Quilts, trends for 2021? I am thinking of the handmade quilts with lots of color. Large stitches and various shapes bring out the uniqueness. Quilts give that cozy, homey feeling. We are all looking for comfort right now. Quilts represent love, creativity, patience, resourcefulness, and togetherness. My first picks are handmade quilts, handmade quilts are my all time favorite. However, handmade quilts do have a higher price point. I am following up with a few favorite ready made if handmade quilts are not in your budget. Quilts with lots of colors are catching my eye, I love using them thrown over chairs and sofas. They just call you to snuggle up and read a good book.

Green Kantha quilt
Colorful quilt
Here is a sweet tutorial on how to press flowers. Go check it out.

Thanks for stopping by, please leave me a comment. I would love to chat.